Sunday, March 29, 2009

we're in! and looking for a big mama midwife

I received the email from the sperm bank - all of our paperwork is in and we are approved to make our first order! They suggest ordering no later than the first day of your period, which should be about four days from now (apr 2), give or take one day. Unfortunately I will be out of town for work, but I can certainly order while I'm away - finding a free moment (I'm attending/facilitating a training for 30 people & sharing a hotel room) will be the biggest challenge. Although B could do it, too - he'd probably love that. Since I have consistently had my peak day at CD20, we'll aim to have the sperm arrive on CD17 so we have some wiggle room.

About IUI: "These specimens are concentrated into a smaller volume than the ICI specimens, (0.5cc vs 1.0 cc) so that the doctor can place the entire volume into the uterus which will only hold 0.5cc. Each vial contains a minimum of 10 million motile sperm. These washed specimens are appropriate for either IUI through the doctor or for home vaginal inseminations."

A note about midwives: I really like my doctor so far. I actually met her through B - she's a colleague and former student of his. At first I thought it'd be weird - when I met her I saw her as more of a peer and friend-type, but I've gotten over it. Well it was my gyne exam that did it. I figure if I can talk to her about B and other common interests we have while her fingers are inside of me, we're good. And it was fine - almost pleasant.

However, I have always pictured a big mama, dykey person as my midwife. Someone strong who could be gentle, loving, but kind of butch in her care of me. Someone to cut through my bullshit in a kind and caring way. Anyway my doc is not that - she's more like me. And, she's pregnant - I believe due in July. So, B was talking to a new & wonderful friend of ours, and she said she had several people in mind. She called Friday to say she might have the perfect person. AND - there's a house for rent in the neighborhood we've been considering, being rented by some friends of hers. Honestly some friends have got to be angels in disguise.

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