Monday, January 14, 2013

hcg & progesterone

After my post yesterday I continued to cramp pretty badly, and it continued all day. I bled throughout the day as well - mostly dark, none was bright red, but it was still very scary. I finally called my midwife at 9pm and she said while it could be an "ominous" sign, it wasn't definitive. So today I went and got my beta - my hcg is 447 (not bad) but progesterone is only 4.26 (horrible!). So today I start on progesterone supplements.

I'm just so mad because when I did my CD3 blood work my progesterone "looked good." I told my midwife at the time that I had to supplement last time and wondered if I should do it again, and she sort of waved it off and said something like, "do it if you want."

Now here we are and my levels are dangerously low. This particular midwife is revered in this community as THE BEST, so how could she have missed this?

At any rate, I'm feeling better today. I bit of spotting when I wipe but no real cramping, and I'm still queasy and bone-tired. I just want to run home and take my first progesterone supplement. It's so hard just to sit here while I know my levels are so low.

What a ride.

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